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The campaign rules are the core feature of the Border Town Burning supplement. |
Objectives |

Warbands in the Cathayan borderlands are wrestling for power, striving for fame & fortune or struggling for survival. Each has its own agenda, determining objectives that it tries to achieve throughout the course of a campaign.
It does not matter whether there is no Marauders of Chaos warband or no Battle Monks warband. It is not even necessary that any player fights for good to prosper at all (or vice versa). Border Town Burning campaigns can be played with all concerned infighting, exacting works of evil or disputing law & order. Of course it is generally more fun if roles are distributed evenly but it does not matter if they’re not.

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In this section you can find the rules for playing scenarios in the Border Town Burning campaigns and - of course - all the scenarios. Furthermore, there are resource PDFs available that provide additional resources like markers and other templates. |
Scenarios |

Scenario rules 
The Border Town Burning campaign's unforeseeable and dynamic development stem from the combination of unique objectives and the many special scenarios that can be unlocked throughout the campaign. Therefore a few rules concerning the choice of the scenario and opponent before a battle are different and laid down more explicitly than in the Mordheim rulebook.re not.
Additional Resources |

Here you can download additional resources for playing a Border Town Burning campaign, such as artefact markers and printable sheets for representing special environments such as underground tunnels.
• Tunnel tiles for the Horrors of the Underground scenario - download 
• Inn tiles for the Last Orders! scenario (from the Brewhouse Bash game in WD 223) - download 
• Markers to represent the Chaos Artefacts - download


BTB Warband Roster Sheet With each warband trying to complete its own objective and campaign progress to keep track of a new warband roster is appropriate. Sean Maroney, creator of the great alternative warband roster (previously available from Specialist Games) was so kind as to incorporate the required field into his original layout in order to provide players with the perfect roster for their Border Town Burning campaigns.
Per Jorisch has enhanced Sean Maroney's BTB roster to make it editable. You can now conveniently manage your warband directly in the PDF file - including automatically calculated warband rating. Check it out, it's awesome!
BTB Editable Warband roster 
BTB Warband roster (un-editable) 

Army Builder files for BTB SomeOrc created support for the BTB campaign system in Army Builder. With these files you can manage your warband objective and new achievements are automatically added as you gain campaign points. For feedback visit this thread on Tom's forum.
BTB Army Builder files 
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