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Written by Christian Templin and Stuart Cresswell |
Additional scribes & contributors: Andi Denhof , Gregor Poloczek, Daniel Logee, Chris de la Rosa, Mike Montour, Azmodan, Roberto Visonŕ, Christopher Kneller, rev larny, Nick Kyme and Mark Havener |
Thanks to: Dave Joria , Robert Lechl, Brad and David Clarke, Grant Thomas
& Malte Dincher |
Special thanks to: Keith Dickinson for his efforts and help; Tom Bell and everyone at Red Claw Gaming and all the veterans at the Games Workshop store in Poole for playtesting and support; Thomas List and the members of Tom’s Boring Mordheim forum for support and encouragement towards painting and modelling everything; Derek Whitman, Bill Sariego and the Mordheim Lustria Cities of Gold team for developing the Norse warband rules and the Norse Shaman Hired Sword; The Mordheim_2500 group and everyone else without whom this tome of adventure could not have been. |
Story-telling & Background: rev larny, Stu Cresswell and Chris de la Rosa.
“West of Weijin” written by Robert E. Waters |
Proof-reading: Stu Cresswell |
Updated Roster Sheet: Sean Maroney |
Layout & Website: Chris Templin |
Rules & Fluff Source Reference |
These are some of the sources that we referred to for the creation of the Border Town Burning supplement. |
General sources |
· Warhammer Fantasy Armybooks: Dogs of War (5th edition), Hordes of Chaos, Beasts of Chaos; Warhammer Fantasy Rulebook. · Chaos War Mammoth background from Forge World (www.forgeworld.co.uk). |
Background |
· "Northern Tribes under the Shadow of Chaos" chart: taken from the Warhammer Fantasy Armybook "Hordes of Chaos" page 7. · "The Realm of Chaos": taken from the Warhammer Fantasy Armybook "Hordes of Chaos" page 6. · "The Kingdom of Cathay": extract from "Of the distant Kingdom of Cathay" from the Warhammer Rulebook v.6, page 176. · "Creatures of the East" contains extracts from: "The Tribes of Chaos" from the Warhammer Fantasy Armybook "Hordes of Chaos", page 12; "Beastmen outside the Old World" from the Warhammer Fantasy Armybook "Beasts of Chaos", page 16; and an extract from "The Kingdom of Cathay", see above. |
Tilean Merchant Caravan Warband |
· "Tilea" paragraph: excerpt from "About Tilea and Estalia", taken from the Warhammer Rulebook, page 166. Also contains an expert from "Tilea – Home of the Mercenary" (part of the "Dogs of War – Army for Hire" article), White Dwarf 251, page 37. · "The Silk Road": taken from the Warhammer Armybook "Dogs of War", 1998; pages 94-95. · Pike special weapon: This is not taken from the Tilean warbands from the Lustria setting, rule resemblance is accidental. |
Marauders of Chaos Warband |
· Warhounds of Chaos rules and fluff: taken from the "Beastmen Raiders" warband, Empire in Flames Supplement page 73. · Spawn of Chaos special rules: taken from the Spawn rules, Random Happenings article, Mordheim Annual 2002 page 4. |
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